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Cool maps and the globe

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Strategies for Working Together- Teacher, Students, Parents, and the Community

Here are some tips on how to create a classroom with effective communication between the teacher, students, parents, and even the community. I think that having effective communication in the classroom not only benefits the teacher, but also the students. Students need to be able to feel comfortable in their classroom to express themselves. Their parents should also feel free to come to the teacher with any problems and or concerns they have for their student and their student's learning. Here are some of my ideas that I got after reading a text in one of my classrooms.

I. Collaboration and Establishing Relationships
A. “Collaboration of parents and community agencies is essential if schools are to succeed in educating young children” pg. 286
1. During the 1960s and forward, schools have recognized that for a society that is rapidly revolving and growing, necessary for schools to encourage all parents to help students with their school work
2. Active parent involvement
a. Definition>”enhancing the family’s ability to respond to its children” pg. 286
b. Active parent involvement is a very important goal in schools today
B. Before the 1800s, parents were responsible for their own children’s education; however, in the beginning of the 1800s changed took place
1. Public schools started to take more responsibility for education
a. The Constitution gave states the exclusive right to decide on matters dealing with education
b. First, families were responsible for education> then schools became more involved in educational matters> professionals started teaching parents about childhood development and growth, preparation for formal schooling (kindergarten)
2. 20th century parents began to cooperate with schools by doing exactly as the school suggested, (book term) “parental acquiescence to suggestions
3. Gradually districts began the movement from teacher dominated procedures to collaboration
a. parental and community agencies collaborating with schools
b. schools that are successful have made parents and community members “embedded partners”
1. definition: parents, teachers and community persons who are an integral part of the education process for children in the community
2. this helps schools deal with the increasing amount of challenges in education

C. Embedded Partners
1. Teachers need to be able to respect diverse communication and work styles of parents and the community
a. there are different cultural expectations and habits of interacting with others that teachers need to learn how to accept to stop the break down of communication
b. parents and teachers need to be able to adapt and respond to each other’s interests, concerns, and needs
2. Teachers have the responsibility of taking the lead in this strategy
a. they have to reach out to parents and the community more than just half way
b. take a while for parents to realize what is going on and be able to accept it
3. Once the parents and other community members feel comfortable and more welcome in the school many things will change
a. visitors to the classroom become: classroom aides, volunteers, special professional guests
b. when involved they learn about the school, school culture> help them show the importance of school programs for children to others in the community

II. Establishing Relationships with Families
A. Teachers send letter or post-card to students during summer, before class starts
1. Students are welcomed to the class and teachers introduce themselves
2. Makes students feel special and that the teacher cares about them
a. makes most students excited to start school and be in the class
B. Teachers can use email to contact parents and allow parents to contact them
1. Some parents work a lot and do not have time for a phone
conversation, but can send emails back and forth much
C. Teachers can use phone calls;
1. Be the initiator and talk about good things that student does before any problems or talk about only good things
D. Teachers can allow for formal class visits
1. Back-to-School night where parents meet other parents and learn about the teacher, why the teacher wanted to become a teacher, get to know the classroom
E. Teachers can allow for informal class visits
1. Invite teachers to classroom at anytime
F. Teachers can make home visits to students’ homes
1. Make sure to have someone else from the school to come with you
2. Allows teachers to better understand the students, their home situation and life; also you get to know parents in their setting

III. Written Communication
A. Handbooks that have policies and procedures for the school, the philosophy of school, and parent involvement opportunities
B. Homework is for parents to become involved with their children’s education
1. Parents should oversee and help students with their homework
2. Homework is for students to practice a skill or concept learned during school and gives parents an idea of what their children are learning
3. Community libraries are partnering with schools to support parents and children with homework
C. Bulletin Boards
1. Teachers put children’s work, information on special events, and material on a unit to inform parents of what is being taught in the classroom
2. Children’s artwork, essays, reports on books and photos with captions which parents like
3. Schools sometimes gives parents their own boards to put whatever they feel parents should be informed about

D. Newsletters and Websites those teachers create to inform parents and give them notices of school events or volunteer opportunities
1. Take photos of the classroom, put in their artwork, thank-you notes for parent and community support, examples of how the children are using things donated by parents

IV. Parent-teacher conferences
A. This is most frequently used methods of communication and successful in discussing student’s progress
B. In a successful conference, teachers need to communicate positive attributes of the student; their strengths, progress, and specific things in the subject that students need for improvement
C. Parental involvement should be encouraged by having them prepare with any questions by looking at the newsletter or website
D. Student involvement is necessary; let them know the purpose of the conference and the student talk with their children about the conference

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