Mrs. Smith Age of Exploration
Web Quest
I. Pre Instructional Phase
1. NYS Standards:
SS Standards 2 &3- use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of major ideas, eras, themes, developments, and turning points in world history and examine the broad sweep of history from a variety of perspectives.
- use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of the geography of the interdependent world in which we live- national and global- including the distribution of people, places and environments over the Earth’s surface.
ELA Standards 1, 3, &4- Students will read, write, listen, and speak for:
- information and understanding.
- critical analysis and evaluation
- social interaction
The Arts Standard 2- be knowledgeable about and make use of the materials and resources available for participation in the arts in various roles
MS&T Standard 2- access, generate, process, and transfer information using appropriate technologies
2. Lesson Objectives: (LWDAT= Learner Will Demonstrate Ability To)
a) Given the information discovered from the web quest and the guide sheet, LWDAT to understand the Age of Exploration through Columbus and his crew.
b) Given the information discovered from the web quest and the guide sheet, LWDAT describe Columbus, understand his history, and recognize his mistakes.
c) Given the information discovered from the web quest and the guide sheet, LWDAT understand the Columbus exchange, including good and bad consequences.
d) Given the directions in the introduction and each parts’ assignment directions, LWDAT be more confident with the internet, using the Google search engine, and other internet and computer tools.
a) LWDAT give proper respect and work well with their peer who is working with the learner on the web quest and follow up project.
b) LWDAT do equal amount of work as their peer in the web quest and the follow up project.
3. Content:
Concept- Students have just started the unit on the Age of Exploration, and in order to introduce the topic, I have decided to assign a web quest on Christopher Columbus. They will learn a small amount of information about Columbus’ early years. Then, they will learn about his voyages to the Americas and the good and bad consequences of the Columbian exchange.
Key Vocabulary-
King Ferdinand
Queen Isabella
Task Analysis- Students will be filling out guide sheets pertaining to two different web sites in a web quest with a partner.
- Each group will get as many pictures on Columbus and about his journeys to use in the third part.
- Each group will create a poster board project that has relevant information and is creative
- Each group will present on the due date in a round poster board presentation method.
4. Instructional Aides/ Resources
- computer
- internet
- guide sheets
- instructions for web quest
- pictures found on internet
- white board/ marker
5. Student Modifications:
- positive reinforcement for students that have classroom disturbance problems
- students working with a partner
- visuals available on websites
II. Interactive Phase
6A. Set/ Focusing Event:
***Put three different pictures of Christopher Columbus on the board. Also, write the names Magellan, Columbus, and Vasco de Gama.
“Good morning class, as I said yesterday, we are going to start a new unit today. In this unit we will be working in the time period that is known by many historians as the Age of Exploration. I have three different pictures with the numbers 1, 2 and 3 below the pictures on the board and three names. I want everyone to take out your notebooks and number 1, 2, and 3. Now, put a name of an explorer next to each number that you think corresponds with the picture on the board.”
***Give time for the students to put names by their numbers. Walk around the classroom, look at the answers and help anyone that has questions.
***Write 1, 2, and 3 on the board giving plenty of room for answers to be written below
Formative Check:
“Now, when I call your row up to the board, I want each person to write below the numbers 1, 2, and 3 what name you put in your notebook.
“When we are done, we will discuss why people put the names in different places.
***When they are done, pick popsicles (each one has a different student’s names on) out of the cup and ask about which name they put under which number. Then, allow for some volunteers to do the same.”
“What I am about to tell you, many of you won’t want to believe, however, I am telling the truth. All of these pictures are Christopher Columbus.”
6B: Implementation
“Now, I know that many of you feel that I cheated. However, if you remember the instructions, I never said you had to use every name or that you couldn’t use names more than once.
“In fact, there are many different pictures of what Christopher Columbus might have looked like. This is because during the Age of Exploration, which started in the 1400s, there weren't any type of camera in order to capture his image and he never sat long enough for an artist to make a portrait of him. Also, most artists had patrons; these were people that paid the artists and sometimes even housed or paid for their housing, the patrons were royalty and or people that were considered of the upper class. Columbus was none of these, so there are many different guesses about what he looks like. However, we will never be sure
“Today, we are going to start a web quest in the computer lab. I will explain more in the lab.”
***Walk class to the computer lab.
***Put the students together with predetermined partners, so there are two students working at each computer.
“I have grouped everyone with a partner. I expect everyone to work and put equal effort into the activities that I am going to have you do. “
6B: Implementation:
” There are three parts to the web quest and we will be working in the lab today and tomorrow. If any of you do not finish what has to be done in the lab, then I will work with the lab assistant to allow me a few computers after school.
“The packet that I am handing out is the web quest, guide sheet, and instruction for the follow up project. The information and pictures that you gather during the web quest will be used by you and your partner in the project.
“I want you to work on Part I today, for the rest of the class. Follow the directions that are on the page before each guide sheet to help you get to the right website. Remember to read all the information on the internet site.”
*** While students are working, walk around the lab to monitor how students are doing and answer any questions, when necessary.
***End the work on the computers five minutes before the class ends.
“Before leaving today, I want everyone to tell his or her partner two things that you learned about Christopher Columbus that you never knew before.”
***Help lab assistant log the computers out and turn them off, after the students leave.
Extended Activity:
Web Quest
I. Pre Instructional Phase
1. NYS Standards:
SS Standards 2 &3- use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of major ideas, eras, themes, developments, and turning points in world history and examine the broad sweep of history from a variety of perspectives.
- use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of the geography of the interdependent world in which we live- national and global- including the distribution of people, places and environments over the Earth’s surface.
ELA Standards 1, 3, &4- Students will read, write, listen, and speak for:
- information and understanding.
- critical analysis and evaluation
- social interaction
The Arts Standard 2- be knowledgeable about and make use of the materials and resources available for participation in the arts in various roles
MS&T Standard 2- access, generate, process, and transfer information using appropriate technologies
2. Lesson Objectives: (LWDAT= Learner Will Demonstrate Ability To)
a) Given the information discovered from the web quest and the guide sheet, LWDAT to understand the Age of Exploration through Columbus and his crew.
b) Given the information discovered from the web quest and the guide sheet, LWDAT describe Columbus, understand his history, and recognize his mistakes.
c) Given the information discovered from the web quest and the guide sheet, LWDAT understand the Columbus exchange, including good and bad consequences.
d) Given the directions in the introduction and each parts’ assignment directions, LWDAT be more confident with the internet, using the Google search engine, and other internet and computer tools.
a) LWDAT give proper respect and work well with their peer who is working with the learner on the web quest and follow up project.
b) LWDAT do equal amount of work as their peer in the web quest and the follow up project.
3. Content:
Concept- Students have just started the unit on the Age of Exploration, and in order to introduce the topic, I have decided to assign a web quest on Christopher Columbus. They will learn a small amount of information about Columbus’ early years. Then, they will learn about his voyages to the Americas and the good and bad consequences of the Columbian exchange.
Key Vocabulary-
King Ferdinand
Queen Isabella
Task Analysis- Students will be filling out guide sheets pertaining to two different web sites in a web quest with a partner.
- Each group will get as many pictures on Columbus and about his journeys to use in the third part.
- Each group will create a poster board project that has relevant information and is creative
- Each group will present on the due date in a round poster board presentation method.
4. Instructional Aides/ Resources
- computer
- internet
- guide sheets
- instructions for web quest
- pictures found on internet
- white board/ marker
5. Student Modifications:
- positive reinforcement for students that have classroom disturbance problems
- students working with a partner
- visuals available on websites
II. Interactive Phase
6A. Set/ Focusing Event:
***Put three different pictures of Christopher Columbus on the board. Also, write the names Magellan, Columbus, and Vasco de Gama.
“Good morning class, as I said yesterday, we are going to start a new unit today. In this unit we will be working in the time period that is known by many historians as the Age of Exploration. I have three different pictures with the numbers 1, 2 and 3 below the pictures on the board and three names. I want everyone to take out your notebooks and number 1, 2, and 3. Now, put a name of an explorer next to each number that you think corresponds with the picture on the board.”
***Give time for the students to put names by their numbers. Walk around the classroom, look at the answers and help anyone that has questions.
***Write 1, 2, and 3 on the board giving plenty of room for answers to be written below
Formative Check:
“Now, when I call your row up to the board, I want each person to write below the numbers 1, 2, and 3 what name you put in your notebook.
“When we are done, we will discuss why people put the names in different places.
***When they are done, pick popsicles (each one has a different student’s names on) out of the cup and ask about which name they put under which number. Then, allow for some volunteers to do the same.”
“What I am about to tell you, many of you won’t want to believe, however, I am telling the truth. All of these pictures are Christopher Columbus.”
6B: Implementation
“Now, I know that many of you feel that I cheated. However, if you remember the instructions, I never said you had to use every name or that you couldn’t use names more than once.
“In fact, there are many different pictures of what Christopher Columbus might have looked like. This is because during the Age of Exploration, which started in the 1400s, there weren't any type of camera in order to capture his image and he never sat long enough for an artist to make a portrait of him. Also, most artists had patrons; these were people that paid the artists and sometimes even housed or paid for their housing, the patrons were royalty and or people that were considered of the upper class. Columbus was none of these, so there are many different guesses about what he looks like. However, we will never be sure
“Today, we are going to start a web quest in the computer lab. I will explain more in the lab.”
***Walk class to the computer lab.
***Put the students together with predetermined partners, so there are two students working at each computer.
“I have grouped everyone with a partner. I expect everyone to work and put equal effort into the activities that I am going to have you do. “
6B: Implementation:
” There are three parts to the web quest and we will be working in the lab today and tomorrow. If any of you do not finish what has to be done in the lab, then I will work with the lab assistant to allow me a few computers after school.
“The packet that I am handing out is the web quest, guide sheet, and instruction for the follow up project. The information and pictures that you gather during the web quest will be used by you and your partner in the project.
“I want you to work on Part I today, for the rest of the class. Follow the directions that are on the page before each guide sheet to help you get to the right website. Remember to read all the information on the internet site.”
*** While students are working, walk around the lab to monitor how students are doing and answer any questions, when necessary.
***End the work on the computers five minutes before the class ends.
“Before leaving today, I want everyone to tell his or her partner two things that you learned about Christopher Columbus that you never knew before.”
***Help lab assistant log the computers out and turn them off, after the students leave.
Extended Activity:
"Any group that has not finished the first website can get a pass from me to the library or my classroom in order to finish up the webquest. The only requirement is that you must come in and work on the quest together.
6A. Set/ Focusing Event:
“Good morning class, similar to yesterday, we are going to be working in the computer lab. But first, I want everyone to close your eyes.”
***Give wait time for all the students to have their eyes closed.
“Now, I want you to imagine a deep green forest. You peer through the trees, out at the sparkling, beautiful blue waters. You are not expecting to see anything different from other days. However, you notice a strange object gliding across the water and you become curious. First, you run along a well known path to get some of the other people in your tribe. By the time you and your friends return to the spot that you were at, the strange object was still in the water. On the beach you see smaller strange object and odd looking men getting out.
“You and your friends are curious and decide to approach these odd men. As you approach, you hear these strange words that they are saying and notice that the men are wearing strange clothing. Now everyone open your eyes.”
Formative Check:
6A. Set/ Focusing Event:
“Good morning class, similar to yesterday, we are going to be working in the computer lab. But first, I want everyone to close your eyes.”
***Give wait time for all the students to have their eyes closed.
“Now, I want you to imagine a deep green forest. You peer through the trees, out at the sparkling, beautiful blue waters. You are not expecting to see anything different from other days. However, you notice a strange object gliding across the water and you become curious. First, you run along a well known path to get some of the other people in your tribe. By the time you and your friends return to the spot that you were at, the strange object was still in the water. On the beach you see smaller strange object and odd looking men getting out.
“You and your friends are curious and decide to approach these odd men. As you approach, you hear these strange words that they are saying and notice that the men are wearing strange clothing. Now everyone open your eyes.”
Formative Check:
***Ask the students some questions pertaining to focusing event.
***Ask the students some questions pertaining to focusing event.
Whydo you think that natives of the Americas would not be able to recognize what a ship and row boats were?
Why do you think that the natives were more curious than afraid of the strange things they saw?
How would you feel? Maybe unsafe, afraid, nervous?
What were the differences between what natives wore as “clothing” and what the crewmen wore as clothing?
“Now, everyone get up, bring your things and let’s go to the computer lab. Remember, while working on your web quests, also think about different perspectives.”
6B: Implementation
***Walk class to the computer lab.
***Make sure the students sit together with the same partners, and there are only two students working at each computer.
“This website is more visual. On the website there will be a story that you have to read and take the quiz at the end.”
6B: Implementation:
" Today, you need to go to the second website by following the directions that are in the assignment section of part two. I have two hints that you need to make sure you pay attention to. First, when getting on the website, make sure that you look to the left part of the screen. Under the title of Explorers, click on Columbus and start the story. Also, when there are objects that are highlighted in green, click on the items to get more information about the objects.
Why do you think that the natives were more curious than afraid of the strange things they saw?
How would you feel? Maybe unsafe, afraid, nervous?
What were the differences between what natives wore as “clothing” and what the crewmen wore as clothing?
“Now, everyone get up, bring your things and let’s go to the computer lab. Remember, while working on your web quests, also think about different perspectives.”
6B: Implementation
***Walk class to the computer lab.
***Make sure the students sit together with the same partners, and there are only two students working at each computer.
“This website is more visual. On the website there will be a story that you have to read and take the quiz at the end.”
6B: Implementation:
" Today, you need to go to the second website by following the directions that are in the assignment section of part two. I have two hints that you need to make sure you pay attention to. First, when getting on the website, make sure that you look to the left part of the screen. Under the title of Explorers, click on Columbus and start the story. Also, when there are objects that are highlighted in green, click on the items to get more information about the objects.
“When you are finished with the guide sheet, do not forget that you and your partner need to find pictures of Christopher Columbus, the ships they used, the natives they encountered, things exchanged during the Columbus exchange, a map of Columbus’ journeys, etc. First, look for these pictures on the web sites from the web quest. Then, try to type Christopher Columbus’ name and type pictures in a Google search for more pictures that will be necessary in the third part, where they will be used in a project.
*** While students are working, walk around the lab to monitor how students are doing and answer any questions, when necessary.
***End the work on the computers five minutes before the class ends. Have the students log out and shut down the computers.
“Before leaving today, your ticket out the door will be by telling me something new you learned about how the natives of the Americas were treated or about the Columbian exchange.”
***Starting with the left side of the room have the students answer the question.
Extended Activity:
“For homework, if you and your partner have not finished either of the guide sheets or the printed enough pictures, then you need to stay after school. I will make sure that the lab assistant reserves a few computers for your use. Remember both you and your partner must stay after school and work together. You need to hand in Part I and Part II tomorrow.”
***Help lab assistant make sure all the computers are logged off and turned them off, after students leave.
***For the next two days, I will have the students put together a poster board project that they will have to present to the class in a group presentation method explained in Part III. I will give them extra time to finish the project outside of class.
Catching Columbus
Names: Date:
*** While students are working, walk around the lab to monitor how students are doing and answer any questions, when necessary.
***End the work on the computers five minutes before the class ends. Have the students log out and shut down the computers.
“Before leaving today, your ticket out the door will be by telling me something new you learned about how the natives of the Americas were treated or about the Columbian exchange.”
***Starting with the left side of the room have the students answer the question.
Extended Activity:
“For homework, if you and your partner have not finished either of the guide sheets or the printed enough pictures, then you need to stay after school. I will make sure that the lab assistant reserves a few computers for your use. Remember both you and your partner must stay after school and work together. You need to hand in Part I and Part II tomorrow.”
***Help lab assistant make sure all the computers are logged off and turned them off, after students leave.
***For the next two days, I will have the students put together a poster board project that they will have to present to the class in a group presentation method explained in Part III. I will give them extra time to finish the project outside of class.
Catching Columbus
Names: Date:
Part I Unit: Age of Exploration WebQuest
We have just started the Age of Exploration unit and this assignment will help you better understand Christopher Columbus. This also will help you understand the consequences of Columbus’ discoveries. I have attached a guide sheet that you need to fill out while working on the web quest with your partner. After you are done with the questions; print out some pictures of Columbus, the ships they used, the natives they encountered, things exchanged during the Columbus exchange, a map of Columbus’ journeys, etc. First, look for these pictures on the web sites that I gave you for your web quest. Then you can type Christopher Columbus’ name and pictures in a Google search to find the pictures. There are three parts to this assignment. You need to follow the assignment directions. If there are any questions feel free to ask me.
The assignment: First turn on the computer. Then use your password to log in. Make sure that you are at http://www.google.com/ and type in www.enchantedlearning.com/explorers in Google’s search space. Then, using your mouse, click on “go”. You need to read the information on this site and with your partner answer the questions on the guide sheet that follows.
We have just started the Age of Exploration unit and this assignment will help you better understand Christopher Columbus. This also will help you understand the consequences of Columbus’ discoveries. I have attached a guide sheet that you need to fill out while working on the web quest with your partner. After you are done with the questions; print out some pictures of Columbus, the ships they used, the natives they encountered, things exchanged during the Columbus exchange, a map of Columbus’ journeys, etc. First, look for these pictures on the web sites that I gave you for your web quest. Then you can type Christopher Columbus’ name and pictures in a Google search to find the pictures. There are three parts to this assignment. You need to follow the assignment directions. If there are any questions feel free to ask me.
The assignment: First turn on the computer. Then use your password to log in. Make sure that you are at http://www.google.com/ and type in www.enchantedlearning.com/explorers in Google’s search space. Then, using your mouse, click on “go”. You need to read the information on this site and with your partner answer the questions on the guide sheet that follows.
Guide sheet: first web site- www.enchantinglearning.com/explorers
What was Christopher Columbus’ first goal when setting out from Spain?
Did he achieve this goal? Why do you think that Columbus did or didn’t achieve his goal?
Instead what did he find?
What were the three ships that Columbus took on his first trip out? And how many crew members were aboard?
5. When did he set sail and from where (state and country) did he set sail from?
6. When did he notice land and where did he end up? Why do you think he did or didn’t notice that he wasn’t in India?
7. How went out to meet the adventurers and what happened to these people? How do you feel about that?
8. What islands did Columbus sail to? And what were him and his men looking for?
What ship did Columbus finally end up returning in and why? What happened to the other ships?
What happened on his second trip and how many ships and men were brought? Why do you think he made a second and third journey?
What happened on his third trip?
What do you think about Columbus?
Did he achieve this goal? Why do you think that Columbus did or didn’t achieve his goal?
Instead what did he find?
What were the three ships that Columbus took on his first trip out? And how many crew members were aboard?
5. When did he set sail and from where (state and country) did he set sail from?
6. When did he notice land and where did he end up? Why do you think he did or didn’t notice that he wasn’t in India?
7. How went out to meet the adventurers and what happened to these people? How do you feel about that?
8. What islands did Columbus sail to? And what were him and his men looking for?
What ship did Columbus finally end up returning in and why? What happened to the other ships?
What happened on his second trip and how many ships and men were brought? Why do you think he made a second and third journey?
What happened on his third trip?
What do you think about Columbus?
Names: Date:
Part II Unit: Age of Exploration Web Quest
The assignment: Similar to yesterday, turn on your computer. Then, use your password to log in. Make sure that you are at http://www.google.com/ and type in www.bbc.co.uk/famouspeople in Google’s search space. Then, using your mouse, click on “go”. Go to the left most side of the site, and under explorers, click on Christopher Columbus. You need to read the story of Columbus on this site and with your partner answer the guide sheet that follows. Remember to click on the objects in the story that are outlined in green.
After you’re done with this site, print some pictures of Christopher Columbus, the ships they used, the natives they encountered, things exchanged during the Columbus exchange, a map of Columbus’ journeys, etc. First, look for these pictures on the web sites from the web quest. Then, try to type Christopher Columbus’ name and type pictures in a Google search for more pictures that will be necessary in the third part, where they will be used in a project.
Guide sheet 2 for Part II of the web quest- www.bbc.co.uk/famouspeople
What was Christopher Columbus’ proper name? And what year was he born?
What was the job of his father? Do you think he understood a son that wanted to be at sea? Why or Why not?
Columbus was interested in the sea, what age was he when he first sailed on a ship?
Where was Columbus from?
Who were the king and queen who agreed to give Columbus money?
Name four things that Columbus promised to give the King and Queen? Why do you think these things were important to the King and Queen?
What was used to plot the direction they sailed (hint have to push on the green spots for some of the answers)?
What did Columbus name the first place he landed?
Why do you think that Columbus called the natives, Indians?
Name three of the new foods that Columbus and his men discovered.
What animal did Columbus bring with him to the Caribbean?
What do you think about the effects of the Columbian exchange? Are they still noticeable today?
What do you think is are good consequences of the Columbian exchange and what are bad consequences?
Now take the Quiz on the website and see how you do.
Part II Unit: Age of Exploration Web Quest
The assignment: Similar to yesterday, turn on your computer. Then, use your password to log in. Make sure that you are at http://www.google.com/ and type in www.bbc.co.uk/famouspeople in Google’s search space. Then, using your mouse, click on “go”. Go to the left most side of the site, and under explorers, click on Christopher Columbus. You need to read the story of Columbus on this site and with your partner answer the guide sheet that follows. Remember to click on the objects in the story that are outlined in green.
After you’re done with this site, print some pictures of Christopher Columbus, the ships they used, the natives they encountered, things exchanged during the Columbus exchange, a map of Columbus’ journeys, etc. First, look for these pictures on the web sites from the web quest. Then, try to type Christopher Columbus’ name and type pictures in a Google search for more pictures that will be necessary in the third part, where they will be used in a project.
Guide sheet 2 for Part II of the web quest- www.bbc.co.uk/famouspeople
What was Christopher Columbus’ proper name? And what year was he born?
What was the job of his father? Do you think he understood a son that wanted to be at sea? Why or Why not?
Columbus was interested in the sea, what age was he when he first sailed on a ship?
Where was Columbus from?
Who were the king and queen who agreed to give Columbus money?
Name four things that Columbus promised to give the King and Queen? Why do you think these things were important to the King and Queen?
What was used to plot the direction they sailed (hint have to push on the green spots for some of the answers)?
What did Columbus name the first place he landed?
Why do you think that Columbus called the natives, Indians?
Name three of the new foods that Columbus and his men discovered.
What animal did Columbus bring with him to the Caribbean?
What do you think about the effects of the Columbian exchange? Are they still noticeable today?
What do you think is are good consequences of the Columbian exchange and what are bad consequences?
Now take the Quiz on the website and see how you do.
Part III (I still need to put together the lesson plans for this next part)
The assignment: Now that you and your partner have learned all about Christopher Columbus, and Columbus’ and his crewmen’s trips to the Americas; you are going to work on a project. I will provide you with a piece of poster board, markers, glue sticks, glitter, etc. and you will have to write relevant information that you discovered about Columbus on the poster board. Use the guide sheets to decide what information is relevant and what information is not so important. Be creative and use the pictures that you printed to bring to life the information you are writing about onto the poster board. You will have two days to work on your project in class. If there is extra work that needs to be done, then you and your partner may come to my classroom during your study hall, after school, or you may take the assignment home to finish.
All projects are due on February 22nd. There will be three turns and every group will have to present. During your turn, you will present the project with your partner by placing your poster board in an area I will designate. Then, I and the rest of the class will look at each project, while you and your partner present the project that you and your partner have created.
All projects are due on February 22nd. There will be three turns and every group will have to present. During your turn, you will present the project with your partner by placing your poster board in an area I will designate. Then, I and the rest of the class will look at each project, while you and your partner present the project that you and your partner have created.
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